Blender photorealistic
Blender photorealistic

  • adjust the length to something that you like.
  • blender photorealistic

    Set the density group to the vertex group we made earlier.Switch the particle type from emitter to hair.I decided to remodel the tip of the feather to make it a bit longer and less spherical with proportional editing. You can rename your vertex group if you wish by double clicking it. Once you have the faces selected, create a new vertex group, and click the assign button. Then select the same face on the other side with shift + alt + RMB. To set up for feather creation, use alt + RMB on one of inner edges.

    blender photorealistic

    Next select the upper half of the sphere and move it upwards and make it smaller.įirst, subdivide the middle bit by pressing ctrl + r and then scroll downwards a lot to get about 200 or 250 divisions. Then, switch to wireframe view, go into edit mode, select the entire sphere and scale it down a bit. To make the the stalk of the feather (or whatever it is called), create a UV sphere.

    Blender photorealistic